- Beemem update Beeminder goals from Memrise data
- Beeminder Goals large-thumbnail page of my personal goals
- Beeminder Showcase curated list of interesting Beeminder goals
- Candide Presentation presentation in French about Voltaire's Candide
- Commonsense text specification for resisting authorship analysis
- Context create desktop contexts with custom entry/exit actions
- CV ruby ♥ generate a resumé of your Github activity!
- Dotfiles my configuration files
- Entrails call flow logging/tracing in Python programs
- Expenses simple web app to visualize recurring expenses
- jekyll-footnotes jekyll/liquid footnotes/references plugin
- Latin Tools haskell print and quiz Latin declensions via Haskell
- Log record stuff that happens
- Maths Sheets sequence of 8 sheets to stretch students before University
- Poly symbolic polynomial calculus in Rust
- Quantum rust ♥ advanced Rust quantum computer simulator
- World ♥ virtual world with flora/semi-intelligent fauna, written in C